How often should you be getting your oils changed? Well if you don't know don't feel to bad, we can help you out with that, the normal maintenance varies from boat to boat. But a good rule of thumb to go by is Engine oil every 50 Hours or once a year. Transmission and V-Drive every 100 hours or once a year.
Alot of people also mislook alot of important things when taking there boat in for winterization, however, we leave nothing overlooked. As a winterization we always do the following:
-Remove and inspect your impeller
-Loosen all belts
-Add Fuel stabalizer and run the boat
-Disconnect your battery
-Drain all water from engine block and flush with anti-freeze
-Blow through heater and shower, then flush with anti-freeze
(If the boat has over 10 hours since the last oil change we will change the oils, V-Drive, Engine, Trans.)
For prices and scheduling please feel free to contact here.